
潮媽都市日記 I Don’t Know How She Does It

上映日期: 10/11/2011

發行/主辦團體: Organization: 驕陽電影有限公司 Sundream Motion Pictures Limited


(Synopsis in Chinese only)

潮爆媽咪姬蒂(莎拉謝茜嘉柏嘉飾)日間出入甲級寫字樓做投資顧問,湊掂上司又要對付擦鞋精死對頭;返到屋企又要招呼體貼又有型的建築師老公李察(格烈堅尼亞Greg Kinnear飾),仲要一對仔囡要照顧。人人都以為姬蒂樣樣掂,但其實壓力爆煲,頭痕未完還要應付大老闆(皮雅斯布士南飾)疑似傳情短訊…

Kate Reddy (Parker) devotes her days to her job with a Boston-based financial management firm. At night she goes home to her adoring, recently-downsized architect husband Richard (Kinnear) and their two young children. It’s a non-stop balancing act, the same one that Kate’s acerbic best friend and fellow working mother Allison (Christina Hendricks) performs on a daily basis, and that Kate’s super-brainy, child-phobic young junior associate Momo (Olivia Munn) fully intends to avoid. When Kate gets handed a major new account that will require frequent trips to New York, Richard also wins the new job he’s been hoping for—and both will be spreading themselves even thinner. Complicating matters is Kate’s charming new business associate Jack Abelhammer (Brosnan), who begins to prove an unexpected source of temptation.

Director: Douglas McGrath
Cast: Sarah Jessica Parker, Greg Kinnear, Pierce Brosnan


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