
最爆伴娘團 Bridesmaids

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上映日期: 15/9/2011

發行/主辦團體: 環球影片 Universal Picture


敗犬中女安娜愛情事業兩失意,人財皆空,唯一安慰是有好友莉蓮相伴。當莉蓮突然宣佈婚訊,安娜決心頂硬上做個最佳伴娘,為死黨贈興。豈料迎接安娜的不單有排山倒海的籌備工作,還有史上最爆的雜牌姊妹團: 憤世嫉俗的人妻麗泰、很傻很天真的新婚80後貝嘉、豪邁奔放的博擊系肉女美金,以及處處跟安娜作對、博出位爭風頭的富貴靚太海倫!從訂婚晚宴鬥到揀選伴娘裙、最後單身派對、送禮茶會……率領著這班各出奇招的最爆伴娘團,同時又周旋於靚仔賤男與戇直警察之間,安娜能否扭轉厄運,助好友順利舉行世紀大婚?

This spring, Universal Pictures and producer Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, The 40-Year-Old Virgin) invite you to experience Bridesmaids. Kristen Wiig leads the cast as Annie, a maid of honor whose life unravels as she leads her best friend, Lillian (Maya Rudolph), and a group of colorful bridesmaids (Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey and Ellie Kemper) on a wild ride down the road to matrimony.
Annie’s life is a mess. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian’s maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she’ll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far you’ll go for someone you love.

導演: 祖艾帕圖
主演: 姬絲汀慧,瑪雅露多芙,露絲拜恩,瑪莉莎麥卡菲,雲迪麥蘭頓歌菲,艾莉金柏

Director : Paul Feig
Cast : Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrn


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