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新年新店 ── JOYCE尖沙咀海港城新店開幕

我們搬遷了!誠邀你們一起來開個house warming派對…
We’ve moved! Come on over for the house warming…

今個12月,JOYCE海港城店不只是慶祝聖誕節。這間尖沙咀店以全新風格及裝潢示人,由意大利殿堂級室內設計師Paola Navone主理,煥然一新的空間設計必定令顧客處處好奇,邀發無限靈感及創意。
The Festive Season is just one reason for celebration at the JOYCE Harbour City store in December 2019. Unveiling a newly designed space with brand new interiors by renowned Italian interior luminary Paola Navone, the Tsim Sha Tsui store has created a fresh new space that inspires curiosity.

熟悉JOYCE海港城店的顧客會發現新店只是搬到樓上的港威商場3205號舖。只要跟隨由加拿大著名藝術家Nicolas Ménard設計的動畫指示及裝置,就可以直達新店位置。藝術家Nicolas設計出多個生動人偶,穿上JOYCE旗下友好品牌──包括Marine Serre、Jacquemus、Thom Browne、Sacai、Oscar De La Renta及Dries Van Noten──的標誌性設計。這些時尚人偶會帶領顧客到新店大門,進入JOYCE別樹一幟的時裝世界
Those who were familiar with the previous location will find that the new and improved JOYCE store has relocated upstairs to shop 3205 Gateway Arcade. To get there, visitors are invited to follow the animated signs and installations by renowned Canadian artist Nicolas Ménard. For this project, the artist was commissioned to create a lively procession of figures dressed in iconic pieces by designers and friends of JOYCE. Wearing full looks by Marine Serre, Jacquemus, Thom Browne, Sacai, Oscar De La Renta and Dries Van Noten, these chic figures lead the way to the entrance of the relocated store.

甫進大門便可感受到現代意大利建築師Paola Navone對室內設計別具慧眼。她以個人最拿手的「Tham Ma Da」(「每天」的泰文)設計手法,以創新概念結合日常物料,打造靈活又實用的空間。例如JOYCE的美妝櫃位,以帶有粗糙工業風的不鏽鋼,配上靈巧優雅的中國水墨書法。
Entering the front doors, it is clear that the avant-garde Italian architect Paola Navone has had a hand in the interior design. Incorporating her signature Tham Ma Da (Thai for “everyday”) approach, she has combined seemingly everyday materials with exciting new concepts to create a flexible utilitarian space. The JOYCE Beauty counter, for example, blends the rawness of industrial brushed stainless steel with the gentle finesse of Chinese ink strokes.

要成功完成電子尋寶遊戲,就要喝一口JOYCE Slow Brew提提神。JOYCE與The Coffee Academics一樣,一向欣賞完美工藝。The Coffee Academics精心研製出JOYCE Slow Brew── 一款以時間、知識經驗、巧妙手功及細膩心思打造的冷釀咖啡。樽裝Slow Brew將會於12月16至20日以先到先得方式免費限量派發。而顧客把樽退回位於海港城的The Coffee Academics店即可免費獲得新鮮烘焙的麵包糕點。
The digital treasure hunters will be fuelled by JOYCE Cold Brew. Sharing the signature JOYCE appreciation for artisanal perfection, The Coffee Academics has developed a cold brew coffee that celebrates the time, knowledge and consideration it takes to create and refine quality. Complimentary bottles of JOYCE Cold Brew will be available on a first-come-first served basis from December 16-20. Those who return their empty bottles to The Coffee Academics shop in Harbour City will be eligible for their freshly baked pastry giveaway.

為慶祝海港城新店開幕,JOYCE當然也精心挑戰了多個品牌的聯乘系列於新店獨家發售。首先有Raf Simons為慶祝英國獨立樂隊The XX十週年而推出的聯乘系列。另一rock ‘n’ rock選擇有JetPack Hom(m)e創辦人Ryan Morar主理的各款單品,當中包括Billie Eilish及Jared Leto也愛穿的型格皮褸。而來自美國的Fear of God主理人Jerry Lorenzo,為JOYCE顧客帶來別出心裁的街頭時尚,包括一款獨家恤衫外套。
It goes without saying that the JOYCE Harbour City store will include a number of exclusive pieces by various designers in amongst the new store’s selection, starting with Raf Simons who presents a special collaboration in celebration of UK indie band duo The XX’s 10th anniversary. Also adding an element of rock’n’roll, JetPack Hom(m)e founder Ryan Morar creates unique pieces such as the leather jackets worn by the likes of Billie Eilish and Jared Leto. Fear of God mastermind, American Jerry Lorenzo, offers custom streetwear for customers including an exclusive shirt jacket.

女士則不可錯過sacai設計師Chitose Abe帶來只於JOYCE獨家發售的運動鞋及二人團隊MONSE別出心裁的T恤。另一重點推介BE@RBRICK x Anrealage攜手打造的陶瓷香薰器,設計帶出生命中種種出人意表的轉折,提醒我們對習以為常的細節要心存感恩,是聖誕佳節送禮之選。
Ladies can look out for an exclusive pair of sneakers by sacai’s Chitose Abe and a one-of-a-kind tee created by designer duo MONSE. Also available is an exciting collaboration between BE@RBRICK x Anrealage produces a ceramic aroma diffuser, designed to reflect the unexpected twists and turns in life — a perfect gift and reminder of subtleties often overlooked.

全新3205號舖將會舉辦多個2019 JOYCE聖誕活動,包括與Fashion Clinic合作舉辦的可持續發展聖誕工藝工作坊。Fashion Clinic的宗旨是「repair, reshape and redesign」,於工作坊中參加者可把JOYCE捐出的舊衣物重新建構成獨一無二的小物。如果你與JOYCE及Fashion Clinic一樣,對再生創意充滿熱情,請即參加於店內舉辦的工作坊,以三個不同主題,帶領你把環保衣物重新設計成小禮物或裝飾品。
Shop 3205 will play host to the highlight of the 2019 JOYCE Christmas calendar, including sustainable Christmas craft workshops in partnership with the Fashion Clinic. Witness small Christmas miracles being performed in accordance with Fashion Clinic’s ethos of “repair, reshape, and redesign”. Participants are invited to use garments donated by JOYCE to create unique new pieces. All those who share JOYCE and the Fashion Clinic’s passion for conscious creativity are invited to join the in-store sessions offering three various workshops for thoughtful gifts and decorations.

另外,為慶祝普世歡騰的聖誕節,全新JOYCE海港城店現正展出著名法國藝術家Noemie Chaillet-Piquand(又名Nochapiq)的作品。Nochapiq善於把日常物件以獨特手法重新塑造。今次展覽展出她標誌性的現代藝術作品,以不同奢華時尚品牌的罕有復古Bolduc絲帶,重新包裝傢俬及工具,為舊物賦予全新形象。

To mark the Festive Season, the newly relocated JOYCE Harbour City store exhibits the work of Noemie Chaillet-Piquand, also known as Nochapiq, who brings everyday objects to the table with a twist. The renowned French artist presents her signature contemporary art pieces created by wrapping furniture and tools in rare antique Bolduc ribbons from luxury fashion houses.

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