Bright futures begin with radiant skin. Happy Lunar New Year 2020
Introducing Activating Water Essence Limited Edition and Rose Body Oil Limited Edition – now with an exclusive hand-drawn illustration by renowned artist Adriana Picker.
This Lunar New Year, two of our must-have products have been given a makeover. While the same nourishing and hydrating formulas are on the inside, the packaging has been given a new lease of life with hand-drawn botanical illustrations by Australian-born, New York-based artist Adriana Picker.
Red and gold illustrations weave across the bottles, as well as the cartons that contain them, making these limited editions extra special. Australian botanicals – Gum Blossom and Wattle – are blended with traditional Chinese flowers of Peach Blossom, Peonies and Orchid, which represent prosperity and growth, richness and peace, and abundance, respectively.
今個新年,Jurlique誠邀澳洲著名插畫師Adriana Picker合作,隆重推出新春限量版活肌水精華與玫瑰按摩油,賦予了產品新的生命,為顧客帶來更多春日驚喜。瓶身以喜慶的紅色為主調,搭配高貴雅緻的金色,以Adriana最擅長的水彩畫風格來繪畫,在瓶上用簡約的線條勾畫出象徵榮華富貴的牡丹花。另外,在包裝上亦有花了不少心思,獨家手繪的澳洲植物── 尤加利花及澳洲國花金合歡,混合中國傳統的桃花、牡丹花及蘭花,寓意進步、和平和繁榮的到來,於新一年送上無限祝福。
Activating Water Essence Limited Edition HK$490 / 150ml
Rose Body Oil Limited Edition HK$700 / 200ml
活肌水精華新春限量版 HK$490 / 150ml
玫瑰按摩油新春限量版 HK$700 / 200ml