上海灘與香港文華東方酒店攜手呈獻 滿載愛心和禮遇的歡欣佳節
Shanghai Tang celebrates one of the most love-filled festive seasons of the year with an exclusive partnership with legendary hotel Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong to support The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association. Shanghai Tang will also be dressing the Christmas trees in Mandarin Oriental’s lobby and the Mandarin Spa with the brand’s uniquely designed baubles.
Victoria Tang-Owen, Shanghai Tang’s Creative Director and fan of the legendary hotel, is following in her late father, Sir David Tang’s footsteps as president of The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association, a position that he held for 24 years. This Christmas, Shanghai Tang and Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong spread the love through an array of celebratory offers including an exclusive afternoon tea and special edition festive treats that are perfect for gifting. The hotel will be donating proceeds to the non-profit charity that has been committed to improving the quality of life for people with Down Syndrome and other disabilities, as well as their families, to promote social integration since 1987. Starting from December to January, gift offerings will be available at both Mandarin Oriental book kiosk and Mandarin Spa.
上海灘創作總監鄧愛嘉女士(Victoria Tang-Owen)一直是傳奇的文華東方酒店的粉絲,她亦延續父親鄧永鏘爵士的善心,承繼「香港唐氏綜合症協會」會長一職的責任。已故鄧永鏘爵士生前為該協會擔任會長長達24年。節日期間,上海灘與香港文華東方酒店將帶來一系列聯合企劃,包括節慶下午茶、多款佳節限定美點禮盒等,文華東方酒店將會把收益捐予非牟利慈善機構「香港唐氏綜合症協會」。協會創立於1987年,一直致力改善唐氏綜合症人士和其他殘疾人士及其家人的生活質素,以促進社會共融。由12月起至2020年1月,一系列送禮佳品將於文華書店及文華水療中心有售。
Shanghai Tang × Mandarin Oriental Festive Afternoon Tea
上海灘 × 文華東方節慶下午茶
Delight in the festive afternoon tea specially created by Mandarin Oriental’s Executive Pastry Chef Christophe Sapy and Victoria Tang-Owen. For this limited-time set, Victoria has handpicked a selection of her favourite flavours which recall fond childhood memories of teatime at Mandarin Oriental with her father. The range of holiday delicacies are injected with iconic elements from the brand, such as the ‘SHT Shou’ motif, stars and pop colours.
Available from 1 December 2019 until 3 January 2020 at Clipper Lounge and Café Causette at Mandarin Oriental. Part of the proceeds of the Festive Afternoon Tea will be donated to The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association.
品嚐由文華東方糕餅行政總廚Christophe Sapy與鄧愛嘉女士共同創製的節慶下午茶。Victoria特別為此期間限定的下午茶親自挑選了一系列其喜愛的口味,每種味道均乘載着她與父親在香港文華東方酒店享用下午茶的兒時回憶。各式節日美點均注入了品牌的標誌性元素,例如上海灘的壽字圖案、星形圖案及繽紛奪目的顔色。
節慶下午茶將於快船廊及Café Causette供應,推廣期為2019年12月1日至2020年1月3日,酒店會把部份收益捐予「香港唐氏綜合症協會」。
1 – 21, 23, 26 – 31 December 2019,
2 – 3 January 2020
HKD388 per person on weekdays
HKD428 per person on weekends
and public holidays
22, 24 – 25 December 2019, 1 January 2020
HKD488 per person
Shanghai Tang × The Mandarin Cake Shop Holiday Treats
上海灘 × 文華東方節慶美點
Shanghai Tang worked with the renowned The Mandarin Cake Shop to present the holiday cookies and Taste of Legend Tea in beautiful packaging designed by the brand. Available from 1 December 2019 until 31 January 2020, the cookies tin (350g) and the tea tin (150g) are priced at HKD 488 and HKD 248 respectively, with part of the proceeds going towards the charity.
Deck the Halls with a Shanghai Tang Touch
This year, Shanghai Tang will provide captivating Christmas décor for Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong with glass baubles exclusively designed by the brand. These metallic baubles in bright festive colours feature Shanghai Tang’s unique ‘chinoiseirie toile’ glitter print that pays a playful tribute to the brand’s 25-year heritage, taking you from the first flagship in Pedder
Building to the current Shanghai Tang Mansion on Duddell Street. Four trees across Mandarin Oriental’s lobby and the Mandarin Spa will be dressed in these exquisite ornaments, which will also be available for purchase in Shanghai Tang retail stores worldwide and online. Part of the proceeds will go towards The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association.
上海灘將會為文華東方酒店點綴華麗的聖誕裝飾,當中包括一系列由上海灘精心設計的獨一無二玻璃球掛飾,綻放非凡的節慶魅力。玻璃球以充滿節日氣氛的繽紛金屬色系登場,並印有品牌銀禧紀念之年特別設計的「上海灘故事」閃粉印花,以精緻繪圖勾劃出位於畢打行的首家旗艦店至現在位於都爹利街的Shanghai Tang Mansion,將品牌25年歷史趣味地呈現眼前。